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Super Tux Cart – A Funny Game

For a change, something fun. With the Super Mario Kart clone, Super Tux Kart brings out a sociable game that is exciting and funny at the same time. On various racetracks you can compete against each other with the help of mutual harassment – but in a funny way. The multi-player mode is a very useful feature.

The program, originally developed on Linux, is now also available for Windows and Mac. Even with gamepad support etc. Only the Mac version had a very difficult bug to fix with a gamepad. Otherwise, I was able to successfully use the game on Windows and Mac.

It is available in multiple languages. Have fun trying!

Thomas Sommer

As an Internet marketer, father and believer Thomas Sommer knows about the challenges of life. By the relationship to God he managed to find a stable foundation that carries him even through difficult times.
Now he is willing to help others in achieving the same.

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