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book & love

You Are Beloved

This read is a collection of Bobby’s thoughts on everything that makes us who we are. The relationship we have with both God and our fellow humans and how it’s made accessible to us all.

Love from a human perspective entails feelings, which go hand in hand with our emotions to define ‘who to Love’ and ‘how to love them’. We don’t love everyone the same. We have boundaries and conditions. It’s displayed in our behavior and experiences when around others.

Human love is flawed. It’s known to suffer disappointments characterized by broken relationships. For us who rely on it so as to get through life, we have to play by the fluctuating emotions.

On the contrary, God’s Love is constant. It’s not based on feelings or mood swings. It’s perfect Love. Nothing can we do to influence His Love for us as humans. We cannot increase or decrease the measure of God’s Love.

It’s a Love that doesn’t need us to prove of deserving it. He loved and loves us without any conditions.

The book – “You Are Beloved: Living in the Freedom of God’s Grace, Mercy, and Love” – Is a reminder.

A reminder with the assurance of The One who loves, cares for, and values us – even the most of us who think less of ourselves or have been labeled by others “worthless”.

As you read it, you’ll come across truths, as well as stated accomplishments; which are as a result of this Love. You’ll learn how to depend on and trust in God and His grace, rather than relying on your self-effort.

Bobby Schuller reiterates your worthiness to God. You matter to Him. His Love and Plan for your life are not time-bound. But once we step out of this earth, and onto eternity; there’s nothing here that we can take with us to eternity – other than that, which we have with God.

You’ll realize that believing in God, trusting Him, and living your life in a manner that you walk worthy with Him, to the extent that others notice Him in you – is an investment into a spiritual relationship that never ends.

Every morning you’ll wake up knowing that You’re beloved!

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