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God Story – Benjamin Pay

I am a born again believer and assistant pastor to Rev. Geoffrey Matiti in Springs Fellowship Church.

Before I got saved I was a drunkard and lived a terrible life. what I was working for was only for drinking. In bar time and else I was full of sightings and misbehaving. One time I was beaten and thrown out of the roof, I don’t know how God saved me from death.

One day Rev. Geoffrey came with some of church members in house and preached the Good Message; I gave my life to Jesus.

From there for the first time I started going to church. There I learned slowly by slowly the Word of God, later I became a usher and care taker of the church, then later I became church leader, then I heard God calling me to be the pastor.

I went to Bible for 3 years and now I am assistant pastor.

I am black smith in making house hold utensils, gutters for harvesting rain waters; my wife sells chicken items.

I hope to grow my business to employ more people, and make it a big workshop.

I am the chairman of SWG (Springs Welfare Group).

Thomas Sommer

As an Internet marketer, father and believer Thomas Sommer knows about the challenges of life. By the relationship to God he managed to find a stable foundation that carries him even through difficult times.
Now he is willing to help others in achieving the same.

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