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Living a Purpose Driven Life

Sounds good, but not realistic.. Why? Are there too many obstacles that prevent you from even trying it? Yes, in most cases you will need money to live in our Western society, but it is a difference if you live with or for money. Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

So why living for riches that will fade away too soon. At the end of your life: What will you be proud of? Of the luxury car or a good family relationship? In fact, a luxury car can’t comfort you when you are down. I’ve seen this with a friend of mine. He just lost his nice girl friend. He had a very good car. But where was the real value within this story?

Where do you invest into during your lifetime? Jesus said:

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Matthew 6:20

There is a life after life. And a heavenly bank where you can invest into during lifetime. You are not forced to do so. But you can get quite a lot when you arrive in Heaven after smart investements into your eternity.

Unfortunately the conviction of an eternal life is a bit out-fashioned nowadays; but still very real. You can experience this reality when you read the Bibel and accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour.

This gives you a life with purpose, even here on Earth already. God is able to unlock doors and give you abundant life.

A purposed drinve life doesn’t mean that you have to give up everything that you have achieved until now. God can do small tweaks in your life in order to bring you into a more blessed direction – an inner and outer blessing.

So I would like to encourage you to leave the cage of a self-driven life to reach a rich Spirit led life.

Thomas Sommer

As an Internet marketer, father and believer Thomas Sommer knows about the challenges of life. By the relationship to God he managed to find a stable foundation that carries him even through difficult times.
Now he is willing to help others in achieving the same.

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